Facts on Invisalign

When you’re ready to improve your smile and have called your orthodontist in Rhode Island for a consultation, you’re probably excited to get started with treatment. You may also be curious about Invisalign and wonder if it’s a better option than braces for getting the new smile you want. So how do you decide between Invisalign and braces? We’ve put together this list of eight facts about our Portsmouth Invisalign treatment that can help you make the right decision.

The Facts About Invisalign Treatment You Should Know

Fact 1: Invisalign isn’t right for everyone: The first thing you should know about Invisalign is that this treatment option cannot be used for complex orthodontic cases. During your first visit with Dr.Jaffe, he will let you know if you make a good candidate for Invisalign based on what type of orthodontic problem he finds when he examines your teeth.

Fact 2: Treatment is convenient: You can take the aligners out when eating & drinking and when brushing & flossing for treatment that’s very convenient.

Fact 3: Much more discreet than braces: Unlike metal braces that are very easy to see, Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible. This means you’ll never have to worry about how you’ll look during treatment as most people won’t even notice the aligners on your teeth.

Fact 4: No poking or irritating parts: Invisalign smooth plastic aligners don’t have any poking metal brackets or wires that can irritate the inside of your cheeks for treatment that’s more comfortable than braces.

Fact 5: Fewer orthodontic appointments: Because there is no archwire to adjust with Invisalign, you’ll enjoy having to keep fewer appointments with Dr. Jaffe to free up more of your time.

Fact 6: No food restrictions: Since the aligners are designed to be taken out when eating, there are no food restrictions to worry about for hassle-free treatment.

Fact 7: Patient compliance is “a must”: In order for Invisalign to work as it’s designed, you will need to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours each day. This means you must be 100% confident that you’ll be compliant with wearing your aligners as directed before asking Dr. Jaffe for Invisalign treatment.

Fact 8: Same great results as braces: Even though Invisalign treatment is different than treatment with braces, you can expect the same great results. Once your treatment is over, you’ll be left with a straighter, healthier, and more attractive smile.

Fact 9: You’ll be more mindful of what you eat: Because you will need to brush your teeth after eating so food doesn’t get trapped between your aligners and your teeth, you’ll be much more mindful of what you eat. This could lead to you not snacking so much between meals, which may result in you dropping a couple of pounds. If you’re watching your weight, this could be a good thing!

Contact Us Today!

Hopefully, these facts have helped you decide if Invisalign is a good treatment option for you! The only surefire way to find out if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign is to visit us for a comprehensive examination. To schedule an appointment at our Barrington office, please call (401) 245-2626. To schedule an appointment at our Portsmouth office, please call (401) 293-5555. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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