Here at Jaffe Orthodontics, we want our patients to be fully informed about our office policies. Our offices, located in Portsmouth & Barrington, accept patients by appointment only. We schedule orthodontic appointments during regular business hours at both locations, and it is our goal to give you the latest and greatest in orthodontic treatments and techniques in a comfortable, safe, and professional environment. Whether you are coming in to get metal braces, clear braces, or Invisalign, Dr. Jaffe and his team are ready for your next scheduled appointment!
We like to schedule appointments and check-ups six to eight weeks apart. This is best for tracking progress and delivering the most efficient orthodontic care possible. Remember, if you have an appointment scheduled, we ask that you please be on time. It helps the flow of service when everyone is on time for appointments. Furthermore, if you have to cancel your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can reschedule in a timely fashion and adjust our daily schedule accordingly. We prefer a 24-hour notification for cancelled appointments, and while we understand that this is not always possible, we greatly appreciate you trying to accommodate this policy when necessary.
We understand that the most convenient time for most families to have an appointment is after work or school, but we cannot realistically fit every patient in during those hours of the day. Any appointment that is going to take a long time (which are occasional) will be scheduled during the work or school day. All shorter appointments and check-ups will be scheduled before or after work or school. This way, our entire afternoon slots are not booked by one or two patients and our schedule can accommodate as many families and patients as possible on an average day. Believe us, we will do everything we can to schedule Invisalign and braces appointments as conveniently as possible, but some flexibility is required. Thank you for your understanding.
We will always make time for an emergency appointment, especially if a patient is in discomfort. If you experience an orthodontic emergency during our normal business hours, please call us as soon as possible so we can arrange a convenient time for you to come in. If your emergency occurs during non-business hours, please call our office and follow the instructions on the automated phone-answering system. Dr. Jaffe is almost always personally available to take care of problems with your Invisalign, metal braces, or clear braces that cannot wait until normal business hours.
Dr. Jaffe and his team are happy to serve the patients of our communities. If you have any questions about these appointment policies, or you would like to request an appointment, contact us today by calling (401) 245-2626 for our Barrington orthodontics office or (401) 293-5555 for our Portsmouth orthodontics office. One of our helpful, friendly office staff members will assist you in any way they can.
We look forward to seeing your smile at your next appointment with us soon!