How Quickly Do Ceramic Braces Work?

Jaffe Orthodontics is there to provide you with all your needs to ensure that your orthodontic issues are addressed. If you need teeth straightening in Rhode Island, braces are one of the best options available to you. However, we understand that it’s normal to feel self-conscious and want more information. Ceramic braces might be right for you, but it’s important to know how quickly they work.

How Are Ceramic Braces Different?

If you are considering braces in Bristol, RI, and want something different, ceramic braces might interest you. They are similar to traditional braces in the way they work, but they have notable differences. Instead of metallic wire, they’re made with ceramic material that’s clear or tooth-colored. This makes them less noticeable than their counterparts, which allows you to enjoy a more discreet smile.

Ceramic braces are more expensive than metallic ones. On average, they can cost around $1,500 more, which is not necessarily economical for everyone. They are also less durable than metal, so there’s a higher risk of breakage. Unfortunately, they can also damage the enamel on your teeth if the glue needs to be removed to make fixes.

Ceramic braces are larger, which means it’s harder to clean your teeth. This can lead to gum sensitivity and even periodontal disease if you cannot properly perform your oral hygiene routine. However, you can obtain special products tailored toward people who wear braces to practice better cleaning.

Do Ceramic Braces Take Longer to Work?

Ceramic adult braces in Barrington, RI are an optimal choice if you have a problem with crooked or crowded teeth but are self-conscious about a mouthful of metal. From a distance, they appear invisible. In that sense, they are similar to Invisalign clear aligners, but they take a shorter time to complete your treatment. Additionally, they work faster than metallic braces as well. As long as your ceramic braces are in good condition, they can more quickly help you get straighter, properly aligned teeth.

Why Choose Ceramic Braces Instead of Invisalign?

In addition to choosing ceramic braces instead of traditional metallic ones, they are also a good alternative to Invisalign. Although they cannot be removed for eating or practicing oral hygiene, they cost several thousands of dollars less. Ceramic braces remain affixed to the teeth 24 hours per day throughout your treatment, which means they can complete the job of straightening your teeth or fixing crowding considerably faster than Invisalign.

If you have problems with your teeth that need correcting with braces and want to give ceramic braces a try, Jaffe Orthodontics is here to assist you in Barrington and Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Contact us by calling our Barrington office at 401-245-2625 or our Portsmouth office at 401-293-5555 to schedule a consultation.

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