Am I the Right Candidate for Invisalign Treatment?

Jaffe Orthodontics is proud to provide residents of the Bristol, Rhode Island area with expert care. If you have a problem with crooked or crowded teeth, there are options available to you. One of those is Invisalign, a clear set of aligners that gradually shifts your teeth back into the proper position, leaving you with a beautiful smile and straight teeth. These are some indications that you’re the right candidate for this treatment.

You’re in the Right Age Range

The best candidates for Invisalign are Jaffe Orthodontics patients who range in age from their teens to adulthood. Originally, the treatment was created as an alternative to traditional metal braces for adults whose jaws were already fully developed. However, over the years, technology has changed to accommodate teens and even younger children.

Most candidates are teens and adults of varying age groups. This is because of the convenience that Invisalign offers.

You Have Mild to Moderate Bite Issues

Invisalign is a good option not only to straighten your teeth, but it can also help when you have mild to moderate bite issues. An overbite, underbite, and crossbite are all good reasons to choose clear aligners. They can address these problems and align your jaw in the proper position so that you have better comfort while biting and chewing or even keeping your mouth closed.

As long as your bite problem is not severe, you are a good candidate for Invisalign from orthodontics in Bristol, RI. Severe issues require traditional braces.

Your Gums and Teeth Are Healthy

You are a good candidate for Invisalign if you have healthy teeth and gums and don’t suffer from any issues that could impact your treatment. Having gum disease or serious dental issues requires more intensive treatments that could affect your ability to truly benefit from having clear aligners.

You’re Willing to Follow the Rules

When you get Invisalign, orthodontics in Bristol, RI requires you to follow all instructions. If you follow the rules of wearing your aligners, you’ll get the most out of them, which makes you a prime candidate. You must commit to wearing Invisalign 22 hours per day and are allowed to remove them to eat and practice your oral hygiene routine.

If you would like to consider trying Invisalign to straighten your teeth, Jaffe Orthodontics in Bristol, RI can help. Contact our offices to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

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